Week #3
Topic: Conjunction,
disjunction, negation, implication
I really enjoyed
studying this week’s material. I consider that truth tables are a great tool to
understand how statements and logical operators relate to each other. Moreover,
well known arithmetic laws such as commutative, associative and distributive
are used to manipulate these logical expressions; therefore, it was a little
bit easier to understand the material.
Something that came
to my attention this week, is that mathematics, especially MAT137 deeply
relates to CSC165. Some concepts such as negation, vacuous truth and the use of
implications are aspects covered in both courses. For this reason, I found it
useful to apply concepts from one course into the other.
Write the negation of x ≤ 2 and x>1.
Write the negation of x ≤ 2 and x>1.
x > 2 or x ≤ 1
De Morgan’s Law: ¬ (P
˄ Q) ó ¬P ˅ ¬Q
If we replace P by x ≤ 2 and Q by x>1, we will end up having the same
use of Venn diagrams to explain logical manipulation rules was also useful to
understand how these rules really work. I was skeptical, especially about P ˅ (Q ˄ R) ó (P ˅ Q) ˄ (P ˅ R); however, drawing Venn
diagrams and treating the expressions as sets helped me to comprehend the material
This video was useful to learn the basics about truth tables: